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Versatility is Everything in Today’s Digital Marketing World

Versatility is Everything in Today’s Digital Marketing World

In order to be truly valuable at basically any job, it’s important to be able to do multiple tasks, or wear many hats, as the cliche goes. You’re not too useful at McDonald’s if you can only make fries; you’re dead weight at any job where you can’t learn new skills to enhance your performance.
Nothing is different in the world of digital marketing. You’re not helping anyone if you’re “just a writer” and don’t understand the value of using SEO, or what the acronym actually stands for. The more you know and the more you can do, the more valuable you become.

This seems like a fairly obvious fact, but it’s one that many copywriters are ignoring. It’s simply not enough just to know how to put text into a word document. You need to know where to look for and how to develop a keyword strategy. You need to understand how to identify the target personas in a marketing campaign. You also need to understand how to effectively integrate that data and strategy into your copy.
Simply put, you need to know as much as you can and never stop learning. If you’re a beginning copywriter, the key to you making more money is expanding yourself. Can you take a look at your client’s keyword tracking results and use those numbers to figure out how to write a targeted blog? Can you analyze their back-link profile and use the data to determine landing pages are performing better?

Here are some tips for starting digital marketers:

  • Read, read, read and read some more: There are so many sites out there with information about digital marketing trends, Google algorithm updates, best practices and much more. Check out sites like Search Engine Land, SEO Moz, and Search Engine Journal.
  • Learn all of the phrases and acronyms: At first it will seem like a different language, but soon enough you’ll begin to be fluent. The faster you can understand terms like CTA and ROI, the better.
  • Don’t hide from the backend: There seems to be a resistance from writers to learn how to analyze back end metrics. Part of it is because as writers, we are used to working with words and back end stuff is almost completely numbers. That’s just an excuse though. Gaining even a basic understanding of Google Analytics, Webmaster tools, Screaming Frog and the many other tools out there will only improve your performance and value.
  • Never stop learning: Things are always changing in the world of digital marketing. There are still people out there who believe keyword stuffing is still an ideal practice. You must stay on your toes and stay up to date on the industry trends.

Contact The Content King for all of your writing needs and questions.

About Jose Ortiz

Jose "The Content King" Ortiz has been working as a professional writer for more than eight years. His experience includes journalism, feature writing, blogging and web writing. He has been a fast riser everywhere he has worked and has helped dozens of individual clients refine their copy to promote their desired image. Jose has been published over 2,000 times in his career, both online and in print, and he has never met a writing assignment he couldn't handle. His expertise lies in article writing, blogging, web writing and content strategy. In his free time, Jose enjoys creative writing, playing chess, spending time with family, traveling and staying active.